It was earlier hinted that once the females will transform into any male Ranger, a skirt will be attach so how about the case of the male Rangers transforming into any female Ranger? Worry no more! A new set of scans has surfaced on how they will look like once they transform into a different Ranger! And no, GoukaiBlue will not wear a skirt once he will transform into Blue Swallow or Hurricane Blue!
GoukaiRed can become any of these 34 forms: Aka Ranger, Spade Ace, Battle Japan, DenjiRed, VulEagle, GoggleRed, DynaRed, Red One, Change Dragon, RedFlash, RedMask, Red Falcon, Red Turbo, FiveRed, Red Hawk, Tyranno Ranger, Ryuu Ranger, NinjaRed, OhRed, Red Racer, MegaRed, GingaRed, GoRed, TimeRed, GaoRed, Hurricane Red, AbaRed, DekaRed, MagiRed, BoukenRed, GekiRed, Go-OnRed, ShinkenRed, and GoseiRed
GoukaiGreen can become any of these 33 forms: Mido Ranger, Clover King, Battle Kenya, DenjiGreen, GoggleBlack, DynaBlack, Green Three, Change Griffin, GreenFlash, BlackMask, Green Sai, Black Turbo, FiveBlack, Black Condor, Mammoth Ranger, Shishi Ranger, NinjaBlack, OhGreen, Green Racer, MegaBlack, GingaGreen, GoGreen, TimeGreen, GaoBlack, Kabuto Raiger, AbareBlack, DekaGreen, MagiGreen, BoukenBlack, Go-OnGreen, GekiViolet, ShinkenGreen, GoseiBlack
GoukaiPink can become any of these 32 forms: Momo Ranger, Heart Queen, Miss America, DenjiPink, GogglePink, DynaPink, Pink Five, Change Phoenix, PinkFlash, PinkMask, Black Bison (with a skirt!), Pink Turbo, FivePink, White Swan, Ptera Ranger, Houhou Ranger, NinjaWhite, OhPink, Pink Racer, MegaPink, GingaPink, GoPink, TimePink, GaoWhite, Kuwaga Raiger (with skirt!), DekaPink, MagiPink, BoukenPink, GekiChopper (with skirt!), Go-OnBlack (with skirt!), ShinkenPink, GoseiPink
GoukaiBlue can become any of these 34 forms: Ao Ranger, Dia Jack, Battle France, DenjiBlue, VulShark, GoggleBlue, DynaBlue, Blue Two, Change Pegasus, BlueFlash, BlueMask, Blue Dolphin (without skirt), Blue Turbo, FiveBlue, Blue Swallow (without skirt!), Tricera Ranger, Tenma Ranger, NinjaBlue, OhBlue, Blue Racer, MegaBlue, GingaBlue, GoBlue, TimeBlue, GaoBlue, Hurricane Blue (without skirt!), AbareBlue, DekaBlue, MagiBlue (without skirt!), BoukenBlue, GekiBlue, Go-OnBlue, ShinkenBlue, GoseiBlue
GoukaiYellow can become any of these 34 forms: Ki Ranger, Big One (WITH A SKIRT!), Battle Cosack, DenjiYellow, VulPanther (with Skirt), GoggleYellow (with Skirt), DynaYellow (with Skirt), Yellow Four, Change Mermaid, YellowFlash, YellowMask, Yellow Lion(with a skirt), Yellow Turbo (with Skirt), FiveYellow, Yellow Owl (with Skirt), Tiger Ranger (with Skirt), Kirin Ranger (with Skirt),, NinjaYellow (with Skirt), OhYellow, YellowRacer, MegaYellow, GingaYellow (with Skirt), GoYellow (with Skirt), TimeYellow (with Skirt), GaoYellow (with black-line Skirt), Hurricane Yellow (with Skirt), AbareYellow, DekaYellow, MagiYellow (with Skirt), BoukenYellow, GekiYellow, Go-OnYellow, ShinkenYellow, GoseiYellow
So, it is confirmed that no 6th rangers are part of this transformation lineup. Most likely, the 6th Goukaiger will have that given rite. Add the red ranger transformation from the movie to this, and we're talking about a heck of a lot of forms. If you are wondering why AbareKiller was not part of Pink's transformations, he can be considered as a sixth Ranger due to how he appeared in the show as a main villain for quite a long time.
Source: Toku Insider, Henshin Grid
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