Monday, January 24, 2011

OOO Summer Movie Rumors and More!

With the Kamen Rider OOO Summer movie announced days ago and the hype of the 40th Kamen Rider Anniversary film, it seems that more rumors has surfaced just recently! What's surprising is that we have early rumors about Kamen Rider OOO's summer movie!

For the summer movie, OOO will have a movie-exclusive form which composes of the Batta Core as the head, Taka Core for the arms and chest and currently unknown Core for the legs. This form can't be accessed by a regular OOO Scanner, what's more is that there will be a second movie-exclusive form!

More on new forms, he will also have a new Combo on OOO - Den-O - All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Rider, which composes of a Taka Core and 2 others, the combo name is TaMaShii.

For the TV show, episode 28 is the 1000th episode of the entire Kamen Rider Series and it'll be a special episode. Date has an incurable disease, he'll die and Gotou will become Birth. What's worst is that Ankh's left hand will disappear and what adds up to this is that Kougami is pulling the strings since day 1!

Take these rumors as a grain of salt.

Source: Netarider/Kamen Rider Rumors

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